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Favorite Business Books to Read

I'm a huge believer that the more we learn, the better humans we can be - whether in our business, for our family or around our friends!

Here's a few of my favorite business reads. These have impacted how I run my business, from manangeing money, to marketing, to just overall personal growth and enouragement to be a better entrepreuer.

Check them out - and please know that these can be found on Amazon. These are affliate links, so I do earn a little compensation by your purchase... but that isn't WHY I am sharing these. These are on my bookshelf as well as these are books I have shared with others because I found them to be influential in my business decisions and growth.

Currently Reading:

Read, Loved & Highly Recommended:

  • Profit First by Mike Michalowicz -- This book is one I feel EVERY entrepreneur should have on their bookshelf! I can go on for days about it, but this book single-handedly changed the way I managed money in my business. It saves me from crying in a corner at tax time as well as just being able to quickly look at the financial health of my business in a glance!

On My To-Read Shelf:

What books have you found helpful, whether for your own personal development or for business? I would love to hear! Comment or send me an email at: I am always looking for my next great read!

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