Lindsey Wackel is on of the 2023 EMDukat Photography Ambassadors and I'm pretty stoked about it! Lindsey and her herd are always fun to watch in the arena. She's a nationally qualified High School rodeo contestant. Keep an eye out for her!
When ask to describe herself, she said, "I want to have horses/animals in my career. I have given up school sports, friends, family to continue riding my horses. I am very passionate about treating horses with respect and trying your hardest to keep them sound/take care of any soreness or lameness. I believe a horse that feels good works good."
Learn more about Lindsey below - as well as check out some of the images from her Spring ambassador session!

How would you describe yourself?
I would say my personality is outgoing.
Who makes up your critter team?
-Ms. First Exclusive (Harley) 7 y/o mare. Harley was bought from Kelly Holdaway and Andy Willet fresh out of her futurity year. I was looking for a step up horse and originally Harley wasn't for sale. We wanted to look at a consignment horse but decided it wasn't a good fit so we decided to go look at Harley. We ended up taking her home that day. I started her on the poles and she made it very easy for me and took to the poles well. Now she is my main mount as a barrel/pole horse.
-Jazzy Lady Cat (Petrie) 9 y/o mare. Petrie was purchased in early June of summer 22'. She was very broke but was a very nervous horse when it came to races. After figuring out some health issues with her, she is now building confidence in the barrel racing pen and hopefully a 2024 pole prospect.
-KPS Birgeeta (Britta) 7 y/o mare- Britta was bought in october-ish from Katie Mace. There is not much to say about her as she is very calm. I have yet to find all the gears on her but we are most definitely starting to figure each other! I see a bright future for me and Britta.
Now for the fun questions!
What are your favorite activities to do outside of the arena? Attend school games
What are three things you cannot live without? Why?
My dad- he has supported me and is always there for me no matter what
Redbull-In a barrel racers blood, keeps me going when I am tired
horses and dogs- I love dogs and find them very therapeutic and horses for obvious reasons, they are my whole life!
What are three words someone else would use to describe you? Gentle, energetic, and adventurous!
What is something you are proud of yourself for? Being 2nd in high school rodeo standings as a freshman by 1.5 points.
What's your favorite clothing store? Scheels
What's your favorite food? Chipotle
What's your favorite candy/sweet treat? Crunch bars, air heads extreme ropes
What is your favorite song or music artist? Zach Bryan
What is your favorite TV Show/Movie? Grey's Anatomy
What is your favorite color? Lavendar & teal